BuraBura #13 Reader #1 - Art

BuraBura #13 Reader #1 - Art
Named in honor of Art Bell, this Bura loves thinking about the hidden mysteries of the universe. Art Bell hosted the always interesting late night talk show “Coast to Coast” which discussed the paranormal. From thought provoking to completely ridiculous, the program was always entertaining and perfect for late night drives across America.
These are capacitive touch sensor lamps that that turn on and off with a light touch and fade 4 levels with a prolonged touch. Each lamp includes a 12v transformer with a braided fabric cord and a plug that resembles a miniature instrument cable connector. The glass is fairly fragile, so care should be taken to the placement in your environment - probably not in an area where small children may have access. Also, when handling, always use the base and never lift using the glass. In addition, this is a neon tube using high voltage, and it gives off an electric field. I strongly suggest keeping hard drives, small electronics, etc., from being too close (5 inch radius) to the tube.